Etorch MAX:
The NEW all electric
podium deck dryer, sheet activator and seam tool
The Etorch MAX is the latest all electric torch for the industrial roofing sector. The Etorch MAX is perfect for drying any roof deck, and is the ideal partner for use alongside BUR, Self-Adhesive, Liquid, Hotmelt and Single ply systems. With the new seaming tool attachment, the Etorch MAX can complete detail works for large roof areas and podiums all while being in the standing position.
The new Etorch MAX is a versatile, robust, and powerful dryer and self- adhesive felt activator which delivers enhanced performance.
The Etorch MAX is the only, truly effective surface dryer. After a pass over the surface with an Etorch MAX the residual heat it produces means the surface keeps on drying. It dries deeper and faster than a gas torch and is effective in all temperatures. Our Etorch can dry over a metre a minute…and its fully dry!
The seaming attachments allow the user to weld a 60mm and 80mm seam with a perfect bleed, in a standing position. No more on your hands and knees!
The control panel use a similar layout to the Etorch3 with the addition of temperature control for detail mode, and the 'At temp' light. The operative can see from a glance if the Etorch is ready to start activating, drying and seam welding.
Utilising four separate functions, it is ideal for use across all roofing systems.
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